- The result of my collaboration with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem has been accepted at ICONIP 2024, we are excited to present our new paper Enforcing Specific Behaviours via Constrained DRL and Scenario-Based Programming! 🚀
- Excited to share that my first work at the University of California: Irvine has been accepted in RLC 2024 😍. What an amazing collaboration with colleagues from all over the world Verification-Guided Shielding for Deep Reinforcement Learning!
Start of a new job at the University of California: Irvine in the Intelligent Dynamics Lab headed by Prof. Roy Fox. Really excited about this new adventure! 🇺🇸
Delight to share that our new paper “Enumerating Safe Regions in Deep Neural Networks with Provable Probabilistic Guarantees” has been accepted at AAAI 2024 ✈️.